Day 1 – The Start

It’s been a couple weeks since returning from Croatia. During that time I’ve returned to my daily routine with work and life in general. I also took the time to get this Stari Most Bridge blog setup.

The first couple of days, after returning home from an overseas trip, are a struggle. On the flight back, I jumped right into getting an outline for this blog structured. Aside from working hard on all my goals, I would love for this blog to bring together several people who want to jump off Stari Most Bridge next year with me.

My plan is to update these daily posts several times throughout my day and post them in the evening.

I’ve been consistently waking up at 5:30am, and jumping right into a 10 minute meditation session. I use the mobile app called, “Headspace.” I’ve been using it over a year now and love it. However, I haven’t been meditating consistently over the year. I plan to change that and do it daily. Headspace is a guided meditation with several different levels of meditation, depending on what you need. I have so much on my mind, so I find it best to do it first thing in the morning before I get on my phone or laptop and let everything flood into my mind. It’s a little more clear. Although this morning, I had trouble keeping my mind clear of thoughts.

I’m currently going through some family issues at the moment, which is keeping my mind full. I’m going through a custody battle and have my two daughters full-time at the moment. Having said that, I’m doing my best to stay mentally strong and stick to my goals.

After meditation, I drink a large glass of water to start waking up and activating my body. Instead of reading after meditation today, I’ve decided to start writing this blog post.

After this, I’ll jump on the treadmill for my fasted cardio run.

Right now, my runs are 1 mile each morning followed by some brief ab work. It’s a great way to start the day and gives me a sense of accomplishment and feeling of already completing a task before most even start their day. While I’m running, I listen to motivational YouTube videos. Listening to these type of speech clips really help me stay motivated. If there are small things that help you, I encourage you to do them often!

Following my run I made a green smoothie, took my vitamins, then got showered and ready for the day.

While I got what I needed done today, it wasn’t overly productive like most days for me. I struggled through some pretty bad anxiety throughout the day. That is, until I went to Jiu Jitsu. Nothing can cure anxiety better than not focusing on getting choked out. 🙂

Tomorrow I have to go to my first hearing for some custody issues that I’m going through. I won’t talk too much about it right now, but it’s definitely taking over my thoughts, so I’m doing my best to control that. These issues kept me from traveling to Thailand and Nepal for my company’s annual trip with our developers. I’m super bummed about that, as I’m passionate about traveling and exploring new places. I got to talk one-on-one, via video chat, with each individual developer tonight which was awesome. It helped knowing that they are enjoying the itinerary I put together.

Well, I’m off to bed, goodnight!

October 10, 2018