Day 3 – Wunderlist

Today, I began my second book for this month, called “The Bosnia List.” Rather than reading history books about past events, I prefer to learn about them in a story format. This book goes into detail about Bosnia, former Yugoslavia and the wars in the early 90s. I wanted to finish this book before going to Bosnia, but didn’t get around to it. I’m right on track for my 3 books a month goal. I’ve read Buddha and now reading The Bosnia List. After this book, I’ll probably start jumping into business books. If I do that, I’ll only read them in the morning. Its not good for the mind to read that type of material before bed. Now that I’ve started this blogging, it’s taking away from the reading time. I typically like to be in bed about 9:30pm. It makes those 5:30am starts a little easier.

Today was a productive day for me. I was able to knock off a lot of items on my checklist. I use the app called, Wunderlist. And it’s amazing! I have it on my MacBook and Android phone. They sync flawlessly together.

I’m a huge Todo list person. Because I have so many things going on, I need to have every little thing written down. I have always done this, but really got inspired after reading, “Checklist Manifesto.” Whenever I need to get something done, I immediately write it on my list, so I don’t forget. Then I easily drag the tasks around by priority. It’s the last thing I look at before I go to bed and it’s the first thing I look at in the morning after my morning routine.

Using Wunderlist has been one of my top tools for time and priority management. I love that you can build multiple lists. I have one list called, “Gifts.” That way when Im talking to people and they say, “I wish I had this,” or “I could really use this,” I add it to the list. It makes Christmas and Birthday shopping so easy! (Thanks for the pro-tip, Patrick!)

If you’re looking for a checklist app, then I’d highly suggest checking out Wunderlist.

Last, I didn’t work out at the gym today and went to Jiu Jitsu. I still can’t find a harder workout within an hour’s time than Jiu Jitsu!

Tomorrow is my 38th birthday and can’t believe it. It’s been a crazy month and honestly I haven’t thought about it much. Just seems like another day for me, but I’m looking forward to having dinner with the family.

Off to bed I go!

October 12, 2018