Yerba Mate

Today’s the start of a new week. I’m pretty proud of myself for blogging everyday the past week and making it a priority. Sometimes it can be difficult, because when I start out, I am not exactly sure what to write about. I’m thinking that will change and become easier with time.

I haven’t had any coffee in a couple months, with the exception of a few cups. The caffeine in coffee makes my heart race and makes me feel anxious. I don’t particularly like that feeling first thing in the morning.

I’ve been drinking Yerba Mate, which is an awesome alternative to coffee and it doesn’t give me that anxious feeling. It’s an Argentinian tea with an earthy flavor. During the summer time I mixed it with coconut milk and honey, which gave it a nice balanced taste. Now that it’s fall, Ive been mixing it with coconut milk, pumpkin, and a tiny bit of chocolate for a small added sweetness. It’s such a great combination!

I knocked off a few things on my Wunderlist, got a good, hard workout in, did my daily routine, and got some reading time in. Not a bad start to the week!

October 16, 2018